Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My (fur) balls are shrinking

Yes you read correctly I now have two furballs. Well technically I've always had two, just that they were squashed together and looked like one on all the scans! (Imagine two balloons inflated so they squash together, then deflate both bit by bit but don't move them).

So by the fact that we can see two means there has been shrinkage. One has shrunk by approximately 30 percent and the other by approximately 40 percent. Yippee.

I went today wanting shrinkage or some sort. I got it. I feel emotionally drained by it now though. Don't know why but just feel kind of flat.

Anyhow the future goes something like this:

  • Another CT scan after the sixth treatment.
  • If more shrinkage is apparent then I'll have the full eight sessions.
  • If no more shrinkage then I'll have another PET scan which will show if the cancer is dead or alive.
  • If dead (the cancer not me!) then yippee party on, but with three monthly clinics sessions for the first year and four monthly for the second year as there is an increased risk of it returning in the first two years.
  • If not dead then I'll start on radio therapy the details of which I don't know yet, to be honest I don't want to know them either!
I'll get there, we'll get there, when I'm not sure but we will and we'll continue to get on with life because it's well worth living.

Thank you for all the support so far to everyone and even the smallest thing like sending me a text or email gives me a lift. Sometimes a very welcome experience! I'm very lucky to know some very wonderful people.


  1. Hiya - bragging again Big Balls!!!!! Bet youre feeling fed up now it seems relentless - but nearer the brilliant news we all cant wait to hear that balls have completely disappeared - will that make you speak with a squeeky voice lol!! Love to you all - from the Parkins xxxx

  2. i dont know what to say other than it couldnt have happend to a less deserving guy. i've really enjoyed reading this blog though i love the way that even now you stay posotive like the way you joked about what to call it. i guess what im saying is its nice to see that you havent changed and can still find the lighter side in most situations. shrinkage is good news i figure when you get through this u should come ride the track with me ben and co. it would be nice to chat.
    james green

  3. Fantastic to hear that your 'balls are shrinking'
    Nick. It's cheered ME up no-end! (selfish cow). Sending you and your family much love and positive vibes, Uri Geller style.
    Gail Betts (T.A.)xxx
